Drawing Fahrenheit Part 2
I’m taking these blog posts slow. Looking through old files and papers.
What I found this week was some more details about page 5. As I said I probably did five versions of this, and many, pages.
Here we see the page put together as a whole and then again in color with some changes.
And the final pages are different still.
Yes, I did do some thumbnails in color as I was going to color the final book.
I found that laying down color first created new ideas and compositions. Some that worked and some that did not.
The fact that I found these after posting about page five last week brings up my greatest enemy, and the enemy of many an artist (or just normal people. Ha!). Organization!
I pulled out these old bits of paper from 12 years ago and have not yet organized them!
When I am working and creating, things are often a mess. Sometimes I look for a colored pencil and all I find is a red marker so I say, “Okay, I have to do this now…what will a red marker look like?” Sometimes great! Sometimes a disaster.
If you let the mess get too out of hand, you just have to stop and clean up your studio before moving on. Each time I clean I think, “There! It’s all organized! But in a week or two…it’s a disorganized mess yet again.
If I (or you) have to put a book together of any length, organization is key. Folders, reference, page numbers on your thumbnails and a date book with a schedule. All things I learned the hard way.
Next week? I don’t know what I will write about! This blog is not well organized yet.
But I’m working on it!